October 3, 2020

Training Sessions

Enhancing our members’ skills is our priority. That’s why we focus on high-quality training.


22,23 March 2022

The IEEE IAS ENISo SBC organized a FLUTTER TRAINING SESSION on 22,23 March 2022, online where 42 participants were present and it lasted 5 hours. Our Flutter training session was an opportunity to cover all the fundamental concepts for Flutter development in order to build an application in the end.

On the first day, we had an introduction to the mobile development flutter and theoretical concepts. Thanks to Mrs.Lamiss Massaoudi, we were able to take our skills to a next level when we discovered what a widget is and how to use it by explaining many codes as examples. On the second day, we moved on to applying our knowledge to build our own app. It was a chance to arrange our ideas under the supervision of Mrs.Lamiss who answered all member’s questions. 


01,02 March 2022

Our Raspberry PI training was in collaboration with the IEEE ENISo SB and the ENISo team club on 01,02 March 2022 at the national school of engineers of Sousse where 30 participants were present and it lasted 6 hours.

Mr.Walid Ben Mabrouk was our trainer who help our participants discover this technology.

We started by introducing the Raspberry PI board. Then, we installed the OS and configurated the card in order to explore card GPIOs. On the second day we had the opportunity to apply our knowledge by carrying out three projects :

*Project 1: Home automation: Remote lighting control via a web page.

*Project 2: Facial recognition based on the RPi camera module.

*Project 3: IoT Application via MQTT dashboard and Raspberry Pi.

Our training session is certified by Tanit Training & Consulting center.


23 February 2022

The IEEE IAS ENISo SBC organized a « POTENTIAL DEVELOPER SKILLS FOR FUTURE ENGINEERS » TRAINING SESSION at the national school of engineers of Sousse where 28 participants were present and it lasted 2 hours. Our training session aimed to help our valued members develop their soft skills and enhance their personality as future engineers. It was an opportunity for our participants to learn how to overcome their stress, plan their projects and learn the basics of neurolinguistic programming that helped them understand what drives human behavior.

We are honored to have the IEEE Essths family (student branch and chapters) as our guests at this training session. It was a great opportunity to strengthen the relationship with another student branch. Thanks to Mrs. Rym ABDELKHALEK, The session was interactive and beneficial for all participants.


20,21 Jan 2022

The IEEE IAS ENISo SBC organized its first training session for the mandate 2021-2022 at the national school of engineers of Sousse where 20 participants were present It lasted 4 hours. During this training session, thanks to Mr.Taha Ben Salah, we not only understood the architecture of a Linux system and installed and maintained a Linux workstation but also Worked at the Linux command line, including common GNU and Unix commands, Handled files, and accessed permissions as well as system security.

The session was interactive and beneficial to the entire participants who appreciated the varied content and that motivated us to move on.

AVR Microcontrollers

05,06 December 2020

We all know that, nowadays, diving into the industry world without knowing anything about microcontrollers is almost impossible. Giving our members an introduction to Microcontrollers, especially about AVR Microcontrollers was essential to us.

They’ve got hands-on making their own PCBs and programming them.

They’ve learned a lot and appreciated the professionalism of their trainers, MAKER LAB.

It was divided into two sessions.


24 November 2019

JavaScript is used by many industries in their finance sector. As engineers, it may come in handy to distinguish us from our colleagues. Besides, most of the students who attended our training session were mostly Computer Science Engineering Students. They all learned a lot.

How to ideate and submit for a competition

December 2018

It was a first step for the new members to have an idea about the upcoming competitions and events. The members who attended the training session were fully satisfied.

ISO 9001 V 2015

14,15 April 2018

That training session consisted of a two-day certified ISO 9001 V 2015 training session in partnership with Mr. Taher’s training firm, FACT Consulting. It was a tremendous experience that unraveled many facts about the importance of this international standard in quality management systems and for the industry as a whole, and as students, we learned greatly from it.


15 February 2018

We had a Quality training held by FACT Consulting’s professional trainer Mr. Mohamed Taher Hedhli. We received a lot of positive feedback and It was a worthwhile experience in which students from different areas of specialization learned new concepts and gained several skills.